Top Five Reasons To Brush Your Cat

Top Five Reasons To Brush Your Cat

Top Five Reasons to Brush Your Cat

Cats are really good at grooming themselves but it’s good to give them a helping hand as well.

1. Increases Bonding

Brushing is a really nice way to bond with your cat. As a kitten, one of your cat’s earliest memories was being cleaned by their mother after birth. Mother cats continue to groom their kittens as they get older to teach them how to do it.

Cat grooming is a very social behaviour and cats sometimes groom each other to show affection and reinforce friendship. Some cats will reciprocate your grooming by licking your hand in response. So cute!!

When you groom your kitty you bring back that comfort that we all feel at our mother’s touch and gives you both a sense of kinship and trust.

2. Spreads The Love

As you know, your cat’s fur contains a delicate balance of natural oils. These oils are responsible for keeping the fur sleek and shiny.

When you brush the fur the oils are circulated all over the coat to help protect it. This is especially beneficial in older and cuddlier kitties who may find self-grooming more difficult.

3. Reduces Hairballs

Some cats, especially ones with longer or fluffier coats may have a problem with hairball swallowing causing the poor kitty to retch or vomit.  Regular brushing can help to reduce this problem.

4. Reduces Shedding

As much as we all love our kitty we’ve all had this issue. You get ready for work in the morning and pull on your favourite white dress only to find it’s covered with fur!

It’s a real nightmare sometimes to clean up all the loose fur from kitty and regular brushing enables you to take out the excess fur in a controlled space making it easier to dispose of.

This is especially important in the spring, when cats may shed more fur.

5. Increases Touchability

All cats are different, some love to be petted and touched whilst others are more aloof. They still love you but just want to have more of their own space.

Having a kitty means a lifetime of commitment and as they get older they may require more tactile interaction, for example to brush their teeth or clean their ears or give them tablets.

The more used your cat is from early on in their life to you touching, petting and grooming them often means that these tasks will be easier in the future.

Top Ten Tips To Bathe Kittens Safely

Top Ten Tips To Bathe Kittens Safely

As stated in our Frequently Asked Questions, please do not bathe a kitten unless you absolutely have to.

However, there are some situations where bathing a kitten is necessary. For example, if the kitten is rescued from the streets and is covered with excessive dirt or insects.

So here are our Top Ten Tips for Bathing a Kitten Safely:-

1.  Temperature Control

As stated in our FAQ, kittens have problems controlling their body temperature. It is vital that you ensure that any room the kitten may enter, i.e., the bathroom, living room, bedroom etc., is kept at a stable and warm temperature.

Anything generally above 20 degrees centigrade should be ok.

You must ensure also there are no drafts from open windows, fans or air conditioners.  

2. Towels

Ensure that you have at least two or three dry, soft towels on standby. If possible, use an iron or something else to warm the towels up slightly. As soon as you have finished washing, gently dry the kitten thoroughly and wrap them in the towels.

3. Necessity Check

Even if the kitten is very dirty or covered in insects, it may be possible to clean the kitten using a damp cloth rather than bathing them.

We advise trying this first before deciding to bathe them.

Make sure that the cloth is just damp with warm water, not soaking wet.

Try to gently clean the kitten first using this method.

4. Keep to the Body

If you are using a damp cloth or bathing, it is important to just keep to the body of the kitten as much as possible.

Avoid the kitten’s face, eyes, mouth and ears unless absolutely necessary.

5. Water Temperature

If you have to bathe the kitten ensure that the temperature of the water is warm, between 30 to 35 degrees centigrade.

Try to use a thermometer if possible.

6. Be Fast

Ensure that the kitten is in the water for the minimum amount of time possible.

7. Ensure Support

Always use at least one hand support the kitten and ensure that their head is never under the water.

You may also want to put a towel or mat in the sink or bowl which allows the kitten to have a stable resting place for their feet.

8. Shampoo

If you can, try to avoid using any shampoo at all.

If it is absolutely necessary, use the minimum shampoo possible. Use Pure C or any other shampoo especially formulated for cats.

Never use medicated shampoos, or shampoos intended for humans or dogs!

9. One at A Time

If you have multiple kittens, ensure you wash them separately so you can give each one the care and attention they require.

10. Be Vigilant

Be mindful at all times of the state of the kitten. At any sign of distress (shivering, excessive mewing etc.) stop immediately and thoroughly dry the kitten and wrap them in a warm towel.

Keep checking the status of the kitten at all times.

If you feel the kitten becoming cold or see any other signs of distress, keep the kitten warm and call your vet immediately.

We’ll say it again, do not bathe a kitten unless absolutely necessary.

Try to just use a damp cloth instead of a bath first.

However, if it is absolutely necessary, be mindful of the risks involved and take the necessary steps as above to ensure the safety of the kitten.

Please also read our Top Five Tips For Bath Preparation and our Top Seven Tips For Bathing Your Cat.

Top 7 Tips For Bathing Your Cat

Top 7 Tips For Bathing Your Cat

First make sure that you’ve prepared everything before bathing by reading our Top 5 Tips For Bath Preparation.

Ok, now you’re ready to begin!

1. Be Mindful Of Your Cat’s Mood

The most important thing throughout the process is the welfare of your cat. Keep talking in a reassuring voice and be sure to praise them constantly. Never fight or manhandle your cat. You may need to start with just getting one paw wet and then stop if they become too stressed. Try more another day and work your way up to a full bath.

Cats are highly sensitive and can sense your mood. If you are nervous or in a rush they will pick up on that. The key is to project calm and reassurance at all times.

2. Create A Secure Environment

Make sure there is a rubber mat in the sink or basin or bathtub so your cat has a secure footing. Nothing is worse than a slippery surface for our feline friends.

Ensure the door is locked and there are no drafts to disturb kitty.

3. Wet Thoroughly

Some cats are perfectly fine with standing in two or three inches of warm water which you can use to wet their coat.

Other cats will immediately panic if their paws are submerged so make sure all the water is drained off immediately and use a cup filled with warm water or gentle hand-held shower to wet the coat.

If you use a shower, keep the nozzle close to your kitty’s body to minimise the sound of the water. Of course, never ever spray water directly at your cat's face and definitely never ever ever ever dunk your pet's head in water!

Remember to keep talking!!

4. Lather Gently

Use a small amount of Pure C shampoo to gently lather the whole coat making sure you keep the shampoo out of kitty’s mouth, nose and ears.

Depending on how your cat is feeling take your time with this step to simultaneously give them a warm and relaxing massage.

Make sure you lather in the direction of their fur growth and try to mimic how you pet them usually so this is just a damp petting session rather than anything unusual!

5. Rinse, Rinse, Rinse!

Use warm water to thoroughly rinse your beloved companion so that no trace of shampoo remains. Then rinse again!

Did I mention you have to rinse!

Keep on talking!!

6. Dry Gently

Pat your cat gently with a towel and then carefully get them out of the bath. Then, wrap your cat in the towel and rub gently. When the towel gets too wet, switch to another dry towel. Keep on going until kitty is nice and dry.

While drying repeat the motions from your normal petting to give your cat a sense of familiarity. If your cat gets impatient or agitated then stop, just make sure to keep them in a draft free room so they can dry naturally.

If kitty is very brave you could consider using a hair dryer on the lowest setting to give them the movie-star fluffed up look! Please don’t put the hair dryer too close and never ever blow air directly at your pet's face.

7. Treat, Treat, Treat!

Now is the time to totally spoil your beloved kitty silly!! Give them their favourite food, treats and toys. It’s Eid, Christmas and their birthday all at once!! Make sure they have a super positive association with bathing so they are even more eager to take one next time!!

Make sure you also keep on praising, petting and give them as much attention and affection as you can. After all they depend on your love as you depend on theirs!!

Above all, remember that the key to bathing your cat is patience. Keep on softly talking and project tranquillity and calm. Of course, never scream or jostle kitty.

Use your calming energy to make them tranquil. You’re both in this together and together bath time can be rewarding and fun!!

Top 5 Tips For Bath Preparation

Top 5 Tips For Bath Preparation

Hi everyone!!!

Hope you are having a purrrfect weekend.

Today I want to talk about preparing your cat for a nice relaxing bath.

Maybe I’m biased but I think cats are the cleanest animals in the world. Much better than those messy dogs!!

However, even though we mostly take care of ourselves, sometimes we really enjoy a nice relaxing bath, especially if we’ve been outside in the mud and dirt!

Here are my five essential tips:-

1.      Make Sure They’re In The Mood

This is by far the most important thing to do! You know you cat better than anyone. Sometimes they will lie in your lap purring away for ages and sometimes if you stroke them once they’ll nip at you!

It’s very important to make sure your cat is nice and relaxed. This may be after dinner or when they just wake up. Your cat is unique and you must make sure you schedule the bath so it’s convenient for them not for you!

2.      Find A Tranquil Spot

Imagine yourself in a Jacuzzi at the top of a mountain with just silence and nature around. Isn’t it wonderful and blissful?! You can really decompress and let yourself be one with the universe.

That’s exactly the type of atmosphere you need to create for your cat so they associate bath time with peace and tranquillity rather than unpleasant noise.

3.      Create A Soothing Environment

This is the time for you and your beloved pet to bond together in harmony. Keep your phone on silent and the television switched off. Make sure there won’t be any interruptions.

Before you attempt to bathe, experiment with different music to see what your cat prefers. I love Mahler’s Fifth Symphony! Or you could sing or hum gently to give them added familiarity and comfort.

4.      Use The Right Tools

Make sure you have all the tools you need at hand. Everything from the right sized basin to fluffy towels to a hairdryer and our beautiful shampoo should be laid out and within easy reach. Remember that your beloved companion may suddenly panic or get stressed so it is vital that you have all the tools necessary for an efficient and relaxing bath close by.

5.      Familarise Your Cat With The Process

Make sure days or weeks beforehand that your cat has had the opportunity to familiarise himself with all the equipment that you are going to use. Let them scent-mark, sniff, scratch, paw and even sleep on or in all the items!

This means that you must leave the basin and everything else in plain sight so that your pet is used to seeing and interacting with them and does not get stressed by being exposed to any strange objects.  

Now after all your hard work and preparation you are ready to give both you and your precious companion a relaxing and peaceful experience. Enjoy!

Islam and Cats

Islam and Cats

Yaawn! Hello everyone!

Today I’m going to be telling you a little bit about the relationship between my fellow felines and Islam.

Islam generally encourages kindness towards all animals and abhors ill treatment of them. However, cats have a special place in Islam.

Islam teaches the importance of treating cats well and that the cat is a creature to be cherished and loved. Mistreating a cat is regarded as a severe wrong in Islam.

There is a famous story told about the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who was tender and kind towards cats. The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) favourite cat was called Muezza.

One day, Muezza was asleep on one of the sleeves of the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) robes. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wanted to wear the robe. Rather than disturb Muezza, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cut off the sleeve to leave Muezza in peace. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then stroked the cat three times, which, it is said, granted Muezza seven lives and the ability to land on his feet at all times.

In addition, there was Abu Hurayrah, famous as a companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He was given his nickname Abu Hruyrah (father of kittens) by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) because he used to care for a small male cat.

Interestingly, the word "cat" may come from the Arabic word qit but a tiny male cat (kitten) is called “hurayrah.”

To show mercy to animals is part of the faith of Islam.

Please see these links for more information!

I’m going to take a nap now! Bye!!




I'm Toby. Welcome to my blog!

I like sleeping and sleeping and sleeping!

However, when I'm awake I'm going to be posting lots of useful tips on how you can best take care of your beloved cat!

See you later, I'm going to take a well deserved nap!